Satyam Tiwari

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Lekhny composition -03-Apr-2023


Feminism was started to bring equality among sexes. Female were not given freedom, to move out and do a job. Even if they are allowed to work, wages were low and the scope of studies was very limited almost nill. A movement that would give them recognisation and help men to understand their importance. 

France became the first country where the wave of the feminism started. Christine de Pisan was the Italian , French poet , writer and philosopher challenged the society by demanding the female education for the society. Soon others female got inspired Laura Cereta and others wrote books , Pamphlet for the rights. By the end of 16 century women rights or woman defence became the subgenre of the literature. 

But the woman rights and feminism didn't reach the great heights and had a wide impact. When the Emglighment wave was generated , feminism took on the ride and it got grow big. Where women demanded , equality, liberty , equal rights for both gender. Enlightenment focused on the subject of caste, inequality in the society and feminism synchronised with the it. 

Mary wollstonescraft book published in 1792 argued that women are equal to men in rationality, intelligence and they are silly as society sees them as silly. Women can perform in job , politics equally to men. Revolution in France, Italy and Germany and the movement of abolitionisim and Feminism fire grew bigger from there. Soon it reach US and world. 

Mary wollstonescraft is dubbed as the founder figure and mother of feminist movement that startled the world. Spoke on behalf of millions of women. The first recognised wave of feminism started in 19 century and 20century. Women rights movement or Feminism started in 1848 when first women right confrence was held and usually it talked about reforms of condition and collective ideas of women philosophet


Punam verma

05-Apr-2023 08:52 AM



Abhinav ji

05-Apr-2023 08:42 AM



Raghuveer Sharma

04-Apr-2023 12:44 AM

